Electra Sustainability Practices

Sustainability has been a growing topic at Electra over the years. Not just as a company, but our employees, have made strides to be more aware of the impact that we have on Mother Nature. By no means are we perfect, but every little effort we make for positive change can have a big impact on our futures. Here are some steps that we as a brand, and as individuals, take to be more sustainable. Perhaps some of these ideas will inspire you to do the same and more!

Sustainable Employee Practices

1. Reusable grocery bags: For all those taco fixin’s, these are a must when you head to the super mercado.

2. Reusable containers: To store left over tacos if there are any!

3. Reusable bottle: Perfect for your desk and two-wheeled adventures.

4. No use of plastic wrap/cling wrap at home: Keeping your leftovers fresh with no waste.

5. Mineral sunscreen: We can do our part to protect coral reefs with mineral sunscreen.

6. Eco-friendly laundry detergent: Perfect for all those dirty socks.

7. Buying local & supporting local farmers: Fresher, healthier, and more sustainable, the true farm-to-table experience.

8. Riding bikes to work: We are a bike company so of course we are going to suggest this!

9. Carpooling around town: We aren’t talking about a tandem bicycle.

10. Eating leftovers: Reduce, reuse, recycle those yummy home cooked foods, good for the environment and good for the wallet.

11. Recycling/repurposing used products: Give a second life to something with a little TLC, it can really make the difference.

12. Solar panels for the home: Using the sun to power your life seems like a no brainer, especially here in SoCal.

13. Driving electric vehicles: Just as you plug in a Go! e-bike, an EV reduces the number of ancient dinosaurs we consume.

14. Shopping seasonal foods: We love avocados but won’t be buying them during a winter storm. Best to wait till the summertime.

15. Succulents’ vs lawns: Tear up your thirsty lawn for some cool drought resistant succulents and save water.

16. Home gardens: It can be as simple as a tomato plant on a windowsill or a full-blown Garden of Eden, every little bit helps.

17. Metal straws: Be that trend setter to bring your own straw when enjoying an iced mocha with lots of whipped cream.

18. Layer up: Rather than turning up the thermostat, snuggle up in your favorite blanket.

19. Growlers vs cans: Next time you’re at the brewery and want to take home a delicious IPA, inquire about using a growler to transport that liquid gold.

20. E-business cards vs printed: We live in a digital age; it only makes sense to share contacts the same way.

21. Unplug appliances, workstations, chargers when not in use: If you aren’t using them, there is no need for them to be sucking energy.

22. Conservative driving: We all can’t be like the Fast and Furious team, so when you’re driving think about how you can be a more efficient driver to reduce fuel consumption.

23. Air dry clothes during the warmer months: For us here in SoCal, we can enjoy air drying our clothes year-round and avoid using the dryer.

24. Make your own baby food: For those expecting mothers, making your own baby food can be simple, cleaner, and fun!

25. Biodegradable doggy bags: Picking up after your pet is only half the battle.

Sustainable Products

26. Plasket: 1 Plasket = 1 pound of recycled ocean plastic. It’s the small things that can make a big difference.

27. All-Weather basket collection: Made using 30% recycled plastic all-weather seagrass for a classic and durable design.

Sustainable Company Practices

28. Eco-friendly shipping boxes: We’re a bike company, let's make sure our bikes ship in a clean way. We have worked to minimize single-use plastic materials that are used to package and ship your bike.

29. Bell boxes: Just like bike boxes, our bells and a variety of other accessories have been shipping without single-use plastic bags.

30. Love Me: Whenever you see this logo on a product, you can be sure that it’s sustainable, and it’s making a positive change in the world.

What does the future hold? The sky is the limit with how we can become more sustainable, both as individuals and as a brand. Do you have any ideas or tips for us? Be sure to send us a DM on social and we will see how we can incorporate it moving forward!