Trek Bicycle Fort Worth South | Trek Bicycle Fort Worth South


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  • Adresa predajne
  • 5125 Granbury Rd
  • Fort Worth, Texas, 76133  United States
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Utorok 10:00 AM-6:00 PM
Streda 10:00 AM-6:00 PM
Štvrtok 10:00 AM-6:00 PM
Piatok 10:00 AM-6:00 PM
Sobota 10:00 AM-6:00 PM
Nedeľa 12:00 PM-5:00 PM
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What is an electric bike?

Check out our electric bike buyer's guide to learn about the benefits of e-bikes, how to choose the right one for your riding style, and the best maintenance tips and tricks.

E-bike 101

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Balíky našich služieb

Chcete sa dozvedieť viac o tom, čo zahŕňa vyladenie bicykla? Preskúmajte našu ponuku servisných balíkov nižšie.

build Level One:
The scrub down
Recommended every 25+ hours of riding
-Align and adjust brakes
-Tune and adjust shifting
-Torque all fasteners
build Level Two:
The deep clean
Recommended every 50+ hours of riding
-Includes all Level One services
-Deep clean drivetrain
-Lateral and vertical wheel true
-Inspect bottom bracket
-Clean and polish bike
build Level Three:
The strip down
Starting at $379.99*
Recommended every 100+ hours of riding
-Includes all Level One and Level Two services
-Disassemble and deep-clean all parts
-New cables, housing, and bearing systems*
-Advanced wheel true
-Replace front and rear suspension wipers, seals, and oil**

*Cost of replacement parts not included in package price.

**Pricing may vary for bikes with suspension. Stop in for an estimate.
build Traveling
We can box your bike up and help send it where you need it to go.

Zamilujte si ho. A pokud ne, klidně nám ho vraťte.

Pokud nejste stoprocentně spokojeni se zakoupeným výrobkem, vraťte ho zpět do 30 dnů od zakoupení pro náhradní výrobek či vrácení peněz.

Záruka nízké ceny

U produktů, které lze zakoupit v prodejnách či na, nabízíme přizpůsobení ceny konkurenci.

24hodinový servis na všechny značky a modely

Naši zruční technici vám kolo opraví do 24 hodin anebo vám nabídnou bezplatné náhradní kolo.

Your new favorite bike shop

From first time riders of every age to the seriously addicted, we’re here to help!
