Electra Touch-up Paint - Gloss Tan Color Collection

Modelo 5287014

Protect your bike frame and touch-up small scratches so you can get back to enjoying your ride.

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Genuine Touch-up Paint

Touch-up scratches and blemishes on your bike with factory-approved paint.

Find your bike on Trekbikes.com, then locate the Bike Tech section near the bottom of the page. The correct touch-up paint for your bike is called out in the technical information.

Detalles del producto

  1. Comes in a 30 ml / 1 oz bottle with a brush in the cap
  2. All-in-one paint color and clearcoat for a single-stage application
  3. For best results follow the application instructions PDF
  4. Ensure the touch-up paint color and finish match the bike color and finish
  5. For the longest shelf-life, store in a cool, dry location out of direct sunlight
  6. Paint is custom formulated to closely match the original bike color and finish
  7. Weather and UV exposure can affect the bike color and impair a perfect match
  8. If the bike was in a crash, bring it to an authorized retailer for evaluation

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